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[Persbericht]Fundashon Alton Paas 11 jaar lang een positieve impact op Curaçao
WILLEMSTAD, In de maand september vierden we met trots en dankbaarheid het 11-jarig jubileum van Fundashon Alton Paas, ter ere van een decennium van toewijding aan het verbeteren van het leven van mensen met dwarslaesi en andere neurologische aandoening op Curaçao....
Ta buska guia di aktividat fisiko
Nos ta buska un Guia di Aktividat Físiko ku abilidatnan ekselente di komunikashon i un aktitut optimista. Kandidatónan mester por traha ku personanan ku limitashonnan físiko pa motibu di situashonnan neurológiko i / òf neuroshirurgiko. Mester evaluá e nesesidatnan...
Un bida menos kompliká pa hendenan ku dwarslaesie
Esaki ta e mensahe prinsipal den kuadro di Día International di Dwarslaesie WILLEMSTAD, Dia 5 di sèptèmber ta Dia Internashonal di Dwarslaesie. E atenshon di un dia internashonal ta hèrmèntnan di gran balor pa promové konsiensia públiko y aktivá komunidatnan...
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Fundashon Alton Paas at Rotary Willemstad’s first 2022 lunch meeting
We were honored by Rotary Willemstad to get invited to their first lunch meeting of 2022. After a delicious meal from Avila and Rotary's regular agenda including new member installation we were able to share about our mission and how we...
Mensahe di fin aña 2021
Nos ke kompartí ku abo nos mensahe i bon deseonan na abo ku tatei huntu ku nos hinter aña aki. Felis dianan di fiesta!
The editorial
Susanne van Sambeeck is the person that helped create the whole Impact Report. That is why wanted her to write the editorial piece for the report and she took on that task seriously by writing from her perspective how she sees our...
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This is Why We Organize The Caribbean Spinal Cord Injury Congress
Prior to 2014, before we hosted the first congress, the experience for someone with a spinal cord injury usually was that when you finished rehabilitation, it was as if that was the end of the line; there was nothing left that could be done to maintain or improve your...
Roger Daal Making A Difference!
The Story of Roger Daal It has been 25 years since the accident and 23 years since Roger Daal moved to The Netherlands. With a successful business to run, a wife and two beautiful kids to take care of, Roger doesn’t have time to dwell on the past or the ‘could have...
Heartwarming Testimonies of our Open House
On Saturday, June 9th, 2018, Fundashon Alton Paas held an open house. Visitors were welcomed with a refreshment and were allowed to look around the establishment which is well-equipped with modern exercise equipment. The crew helping on that day all had an inspiring...
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