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Uní den akshon-WHO
Awe, 3 desèmber ta Dia Internashonal di Personanan ku Desabilidat. Riba e dia aki, WHO ta uni ku partnernan rònt di mundo pa yama pa akshon pa logra e metanan di desaroyo sostenibel (SDG’s) pa, ku, i pa medio di personanan ku desabilidat. Mas di 1.3 bion persona ta...
1000 kuminda pa sostené e vishon un futuro sin limitashon
WILLEMSTAD, Fundashon Alton Paas ta presentá un fundraising úníko den forma di benta di kuminda for di un trùk di pan, ku tin komo meta krea un futuro sin limitashon pa personanan ku tin un dwarslaesie i otro diskapasidatnan neurologiko. E fundraising lo tuma lugá diá...
1000 maaltijden om de visie van een toekomst zonder beperking te ondersteunen
WILLEMSTAD, Fundashon Alton Paas presenteert een uniek fundraising evenement in de vorm van een voedselverkoop vanuit een foodtruck (Truk di Pan), met als doel een toekomst zonder beperking te creëren voor mensen met een dwarslaesie en andere neurologische aandoening....
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Michel ta mustra kon pa registrá
Probechá di e oportunidat pa bo por haña un sita gratis pa nos proksimó Dia Habrí di AP Center. E sentro di ehersisio spesial pa personanan ku ta den ròlstul of ku tin difikultad pa kana. Klek aki pa registrá:...
Desaroyonan di Alton Paas
Alton su bida a kambia kompletu dor di su aksidente pero hasiendo ehersisio na AP Center ta yude pa e por keda aktivo i sigui bai dilanti. Registrá pa e sigiente Dia Habrí pa abo tambe por eksperensiá e benefisionan di ehersisio maske ku...
Palabranan di Theofilo Minguel
Theofilo Minguel ta un kliente di AP Center. Den e video aki e ta kompartí su historia i eksperensia biniendo AP Center pa hasi su ehersisionan.
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10 tip di un neurosikologo pa pasa door di e krisis aktual
Mundialmente nos ta pasando dor di e pandemia di COVID-19. E menasa di e coronavirus aki ta di un durashon deskonosí anto ku por afektá kualkier persona. Meskos ku kualker virus di influenza e Coronavirus aki ta hopi kontagiabel, anto no tin un antivirus ahinda p’é....
How many people are there in Curaçao with a spinal cord injury?
One of the frequently asked questions we get, is how many people there are in Curaçao with spinal cord injury. Unfortunately, throughout years of research, we still haven’t been able find a source with the exact data. You might already be aware that data in Curaçao is...
The Three Most Important Features For Accessibility
Have you ever had to stop mid-stride and try to figure out how to enter a building? Imagine you reach the front door and suddenly realize that it is three feet off the ground, with no steps. How would you climb through? That’s exactly what happens when someone in a...
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