ListenManera lo bo por a skucha di presidente Alton Paas riba Facebook of Instagram, Fundashon Alton Paas tambe mester a adaptá kon e ta sirbí e personanan ku ta sufrí di un paralisis na Kòrsou durante e ultimo simannan aki. Nos a plania nos 2020 kompletamente...
Listen This April Highlights video is about another month of great progress and activities of which we are honored to share with you to see the impact we are making. In April we started with a meeting with the ASCI Members which comes to exercise three times a week....
ListenSupport our efforts for a better quality of life for people with Spinal Cord Injury in Curacao You may have been following all that we do and appreciate our work but never got the opportunity to support us or be more involved. Especially after the recent...