Would You Be Our First Online Donor?

Mar 23, 2018 | News

Support our efforts for a better quality of life for people with Spinal Cord Injury in Curacao

You may have been following all that we do and appreciate our work but never got the opportunity to support us or be more involved. Especially after the recent campaign promoting our Annual Fitness Challenge or our Monthly Videos you might have gotten a better idea of what we do, what we stand for and who we are trying to help.

Throughout the years we’ve received a lot of support and donations to keep providing more opportunities for people with Spinal Cord Injuries and other neurological difficulties. With each of our achievements comes more responsibilities. But despite of that, we have managed to maintain a consistent communication with our donors and supporters through our monthly newsletter, not only to show the progress that we are making but also to give others the feeling of being more involved with our organization.

Since you are reading this post, we know that you must also believe in what we do! You too believe that change is necessary for people with a spinal cord injury as well as the entire disabled community in Curacao. That is what we also aim for.

We all know the expression: Ask and you shall recieve!

So with post we want to ask you to be part of our journey.

You might ask, why donate?

Your donation helps us cover membership fees and transportation for people who cannot afford it. Most people that we help don’t have a job or an income to support themselves. Our exercise facility and transportation services help people get out of their normal environment and come exercise, which helps prevent medical complications and helps them become more self-reliant. By donating you can help more people with a spinal cord injury or other neurological difficulties get to a more active and social environment.


Why online?

Well, we have partnered up with Kuki+Ko and CX Pay so that anyone can make a donation through a secure and easy 3-step process, either on your tablet, mobile phone or laptop. You can donate online through our website anywhere and anytime you like.

Everyone that donates monthly will receive a digital newsletter, delivered by us directly to their email in-box with:

Through this link you can see the newsletter that we sent in March to our monthly donors.

We sent this to you to keep you updated and so that you can form part of our journey. So, we want to encourage you to make your donation and in turn encourage others to donate as well. Because it’s together that we can make a difference.

How to donate on our website?

Donating online is a 3-step process:

  1. Click here to choose the amount you want to donate, click the desired amount
  2. Fill in your billing information, then click on continue
  3. You will receive a confirmation of the information you entered and below that you can fill in your credit card information, when you are done, click on complete order


It’s as easy as that! You will immediately receive an email to confirm your donation! If you have any questions or doubts, you can email us directly at info@fundashonaltonpaas.org or call us at 5100087.