ListenUn di e metanan di Fundashon Alton Paas ta trese konsientisashonn tokante dwarslaesie. Den kuadro di esaki Fundashon Alton Paas tin e honor di anunsia un kolaborashon ku e programa Bienestar i Salú di Kòrsou pa trese informashon tokante dwarslaesie i tambe e...
ListenWe are honored to share with you our partnership with Fortuna. Making it easier for you to make a donation to help create a future without limitations. You may already now about Fortuna. An innovative program that uses mobile applications to allow consumers to...
ListenDia 24 di April proksimó kuminsando for di 10or di mainta té 4or di atardi lo tin e sigiente Dia Habri di AP Center ku ta situa na Winkelcentrum Colon unit 4. Esaki ta algu ku ta keda organisá periodikamente pa personanan ku ta interesá di haña mas informashon...
Listen Info Flitz, e programa di tur djaluna na TV Direct kanal 13 a pasa na AP Center pa graba un item ku a pasa na televishon. Nos presidente Alton Paaa a duna un splikashon di algun ekipo ku tin i alabes e programanan ku nos ta ofresé na AP Center. Durante dje...
ListenFundashon Alton Paas is delighted to welcome yet another organization to the movement to build a future free of constraints. We’ve been working with Bric Solutions for a number of years. Previously known as Caag Software. Bric’s software has been a...