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Avila Beach Hotel e esenario pa e konferensia Kòrsou Aksesibel
WILLEMSTAD, Manera ya ta konosi dia 13 di sèptèmber awor kuminsando 9’or di mainta lo tin e konferensia Kòrsou Aksesibel. Ku hopi gratitud Fundashon Alton Paas ta anunsia ku Avila Beach Hotel ta un di e spònsernan i alaves e sitio ku lo karga hinter e konferensia aki...
Avila Beach Hotel de venue voor de conferentie ‘Kòrsou Aksesibel’
WILLEMSTAD, zoals het al is aangekondigd, op 13 september aanstaande vanaf 9:00 uur ’s ochtends start de conferentie ‘Kòrsou Aksesibel’. Met veel dank maakt Fundashon Alton Paas bekend dat Avila Beach Hotel de venue is voor deze conferentie waar u uw kennis kan...
Konferensia Kòrsou Aksesibel
Organisá pa Fundashon Alton Paas Willemstad – Dia 13 di september próksimo lo bai tin un konferensia di hinter un dia pa mehorá aksesibillidat na Kòrsou. Por konta ku diferente oradornan lokal eksperto i ku pashon riba e tereno di aksesibilidat pa tur empresa i...
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[Project] Improving Independence Through Activity Based Training
This project is a 3 month program with 12 people suffering from paralysis and that is getting two times a week, 2 hours of activity based training. Included in this project is group counseling and Brucker Bio-Feedback Method. We were able...
Desabilidat Ahinda Ta Un Tabú?
Godalys Reina ta un di e personanan ku a forma parti di e komishon ku a krea e Guia pa mehorá aksesibilidat. Ku e video aki bo por skucha su opinion di e proseso pa yega na e dokumento i kiko e dokumento aki ta nifiká pa Kòrsou. Klek aki...
[SAVE THE DATE] The Annual Fitness Challenge
3 dec was the international day of people with disabilities. On that day we wanted to announce the date of one of the best the vehicle we have to create inclusion, which is our Annual Fitness Challenge. An event where we all as the whole...
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