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[Komunikado] Pa aña tin mas ku 400 persona ta haña un parálisis na Kòrsou
P’esei ta importante pa partisipá na e siguiente Annual Fitness Challenge dia 10 mart 2019 na International School WILLEMSTAD, Dato na Kòrsou ainda ta difísil pa yega na dje. Sinembargo atrabes di diferente investigashon i kombersashonnan Fundashon Alton Paas por...
[Persbericht] Ieder jaar raken meer dan 400 mensen op Curaçao verlamd
Daarom is het belangrijk om mee te doen met de volgende Annual Fitness Challenge, op 10 maart op de International School. Willemstad – Het is op Curaçao nog steeds moeilijk om aan exacte cijfers te komen. Toch heeft Fundashon Anton Paas op basis van verschillende...
Aruba Working On Accessibility
During the month of December of last year, a special seminar was organized by different partners to come together and take initiatives to improve accessibility in Aruba. All of this was started by a gentleman called Jos Solognier. He had been trying to put an official...
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[Video Playlist] Congress Topics Abstract
This years congress theme was inspired by the report of WHO on the international perspective of Spinal Cord Injury. In this report was talked also about the barriers preventing people with spinal...
The Expansion
We are so grateful and blessed that we can help people suffering people from paralysis to achieve a better quality of life through exercise. We did a survey last year with our members to see what we can do to improve and one of the...
3rd Caribbean Spinal Cord Injury Congress
We honored to invite you to our 3rd Caribbean Spinal Cord Injury Congress to understand spinal cord injury & the life after with this years sub theme Accessibility in a broader perspective. We have a lineup of 13 speakers with relevant...
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