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Kick-off mobile app di Fundashon Alton Paas

Kick-off mobile app di Fundashon Alton Paas

Un di e balornan klave di Fundashon Alton Paas ta solushon. Tur kos ta un reto ku tin su solushon p’e. Ku e pensamentu ei Fundashon Alton Paas a start e proseso pa por fasilitá klientenan ku ta hasi uso di entre otro AP Center i Wheelee. Mayoria kliente ku ta hasi uso...

The new therapy device that fulfills the special needs of children

The new therapy device that fulfills the special needs of children

Since the start of our membership program at our facility in Colon we have grown. Each growth comes with new responsibilities. So, to address the demand we have managed to add a special equipment to our facility with the help of Curaçao Lions Club. The Motomed...

Un lus den horizonte

Un lus den horizonte

E epidemia ku nos ta pasando aden a trese hopi reto pa tur hende. Manera ya indiká, e reto ei den hopi kaso ta dòbel pa e personanan ku tin un desabilidat i tambe ku ta dependé di otronan pa nan por biba. Pesei Fundashon Alton Paas ta konsiente ku kada dia òf siman ku...

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Testimonio di Curley Rock

Esaki ta palabranan di Curley Rock despues di a pasa 5 luna di Activity-based training na AP Center. E ta kompartí kiko ela gusta mas, e adelanto ku ela mira i kiko e lo bisa un hende ku ta pensando pa start ku ABT. Pa mas...

Kiko ta AP Center?

Migarda Martina ta un di e fundadornan i awor boluntario di Fundashon Alton Paas. E ta enkargá ku e trabounan diario di e sentro di ehersisio i alaves Wheelee ku ta e transporte aksesibel pa personanan ku ta huza ròlstul....

Selebrando tur logro

Dia 14 di mart 2020 tabata tin un evento spesial na Sambil kaminda 8 persona ku a sufri di un paralisis a mustra nan logronan komo kulminashon di un proyekto di ehersisio intensivo di AP Center. Klek aki pa lesa mas tokante tapeit...

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