Masha danki pa partisipá.

Bo opinion ta hopi importante pa futuro di e otro charlanan. Dor di kompleta e enkuesta aki di 4 pregunta bo ta logra hasi e charla mas balioso pabo mes i otronan ku ke partisipá den futuro. Danki di antemano pa yena esaki



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Congress 2016 Opening Video

This video was part of the opening for the Congress Understanding Spinal Cord Injury and the life after on 13 till 15 of May 2016 at Sta Barbara Beach & Golf Resort in Curacao. So that we cab get a glimpse of what is going on globally related to Spinal Cord Injury.

Our Story

After 4 years of thriump and challenge we recognized that we have a story to tell of our journey to create the vision that we consistently dream about. Therefore we want to you to be part of our story with the 4th edition of our fitness challenge. Join us and make a difference