December Highlights

Listen December brought some really special moments. The most special moment every time of the year is during our year end gathering, we also visited Aruba to give two presentations related to accessibility and disability. We also started warming up for The Annual...

[Testimony] Frensel Avastia

Listen Frensel Avastia was hit by a car when he was 14 years old. This accident caused a spinal cord injury. Despite of all those years and all the dificulties that comes with a spinal cord injury he started a membership program to our exercise facility. After one...

Esaki Ta Bo Invitashon

Listen Awor abo tin e oportunidat pa hasi un diferensia den bida di otronan atraves di e fundraising mas grandi di Fundashon Alton Paas kual ta The Annual Fitness Challenge. Bo por kumpra un karchi i skohe pa partisipá den kaminata di 5 òf 10km ku ta kuminsá i kaba na...

Tóg Tin Hopi Lugá Ku Ke Ta Aksesibel

Listen Maaike Versteeg ta un ergotherapeut i e tabata na kabes di e komishon ku a krea e Guia pa Mehorá Aksesibilidat na Kòrsou. E tabata aktivo for di aña 2017 ku e topiko atraves di e ‘Curacao Inclusion Project’. Wak su video pa bo haña sa kon e...

November Highlights

Listen Looking back every month we can appreciate and be thankful for the impact we’ve made. November was another month with different achievements and great experiences such as the meeting with minister Zita Jesus-Leito and the visit from Minister Hensley...