The power of perseverance: 10th edition TAFC

The power of perseverance: 10th edition TAFC

Listen   Some challenges are chosen. Others are forced upon us. For individuals with disabilities, every single day is a test of resilience—a challenge of body, mind, and spirit. The simplest of tasks can become an uphill battle, yet they keep going. They rise,...
Fundashon Alton Paas ta yama danki pa mas ku 700 Taco Kits Bendé

Fundashon Alton Paas ta yama danki pa mas ku 700 Taco Kits Bendé

ListenKòrsou – Fundashon Alton Paas ku hopi plaser ta anunsiá e gran éksito di su evento resientemente di Fundraising Taco Take Out, ku a tuma lugá dia 18 di òktober último na Café Magic. Danki na e sosten inkreíbel di komunidat, nos a bende mas ku 700 Taco Kits i a...
Fundashon Alton Paas ta yama danki pa mas ku 700 Taco Kits Bendé

700+ Taco Kits Sold for a Successful Taco Take-Out Fundraiser

ListenCuraçao – Fundashon Alton Paas is thrilled to announce the overwhelming success of our recent Taco Take Out Fundraising event, held on October 18th at Café Magic. Thanks to the incredible support of the community, we sold over 700 Taco Kits and raised...
Un Taco pa un bon kousa

Un Taco pa un bon kousa

ListenNos ta masha entusiasmá pa invitá bo pa nos lastu fundraising pa aña 2024, Taco Take Out Fundraising riba 18 di òktober entre 5’or di atardi pa 7’or di anochi na Cafe Magic(Lyraweg 41-Huki Perseusweg). Un oportunidat úniko pa bo hasi un impakto direktamente den...