We are honored to share with you the impact we had during 2019.

This year our impact report was published in dutch. You will find:

  • 3 testimonies of people with a impairment that has gone through our exercise programs
  • Facts about AP Center and Wheelee
  • Different projects that we’ve done
  • 3 charts giving a financial overview of our organization

2019 was a year that people with a physical disability have shown how they are experiencing accessibility. That was one of our most impactful moment to dedicate our efforts once more to improve accessibility on our island. A whole day conference with different topics and stake holders to address accessibility.


All that we have achieved was not possible without the help and support of all the volunteers and donators. We would like to thank you all for all that you have done. You make Curacao better because you care!

Click below to read our 2019 year report
Socialjaar verslag 2019