Masha danki pa partisipá.

Bo opinion ta hopi importante pa futuro di e otro charlanan. Dor di kompleta e enkuesta aki di 4 pregunta bo ta logra hasi e charla mas balioso pabo mes i otronan ku ke partisipá den futuro. Danki di antemano pa yena esaki



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Moru Bondia Wheelchair Challenge

  Take look at what happened with the television program crew of Moru Bon Dia as they roll in a wheelchair from Brionplein to Whilelmina Plein. It was a short but though ride, crossing the bridge, roll up and down on a ramp in front...

January Highlight 2018

We started the year with some great achievements. We had our new years board brunch, reflecting and bonding in a relaxing atmosphere to prepare for our 2018. One the great moment was receiving the Kuki-Award for...

The Annual Fitness Challenge 2018- #UniDenMoveshon

This year will be the 5th edition of the Annual Fitness Challenge and we choose the theme 'Uni Den Moveshon' to unite Curacao through movement. Join us, get your tickets and unite with us. Click here to read more in our...