Masha danki pa partisipá.

Bo opinion ta hopi importante pa futuro di e otro charlanan. Dor di kompleta e enkuesta aki di 4 pregunta bo ta logra hasi e charla mas balioso pabo mes i otronan ku ke partisipá den futuro. Danki di antemano pa yena esaki



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The Rose of Saint George

We are grateful to the Antillean Scout for giving us the rose of Saint George during the feast of Saint George which is special day to remember the courage and boldness of Saint George to overcome and face every challenge that comes your...

[Recap Video] The Annual Fitness Challenge 2018

It was an amazing event, having 2 ministers at the beginning for the opening and to start the 5th edition of The Annual Fitness Challenge. A half day full of fitness. Everyone enjoyed and really united through movement. We can look back to...

February Highlights

  February was another month full of meaning and achievements. Starting with our love week sharing the love of valentine's for a whole week with decorations and cookie. We had our pump on wheels as we have every month but as we where...