Masha danki pa partisipá.

Bo opinion ta hopi importante pa futuro di e otro charlanan. Dor di kompleta e enkuesta aki di 4 pregunta bo ta logra hasi e charla mas balioso pabo mes i otronan ku ke partisipá den futuro. Danki di antemano pa yena esaki



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Tira un bista aki na nos ultimo videonan ku nos a publiká

September Highlights

Despite all our efforts for the 3rd Caribbean SCI Congress we managed to do some great things. laying some foundations to help people suffering from paralysis get a better quality of life.

August Highlight

The month of August also was a great month with amazing achievements and also excitement as we are getting closer to the Caribbean Spinal Cord Injury Congress. Check out this video to see who visited us in August and also some of the new...